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What workflows can I create in HubSpot?

Mix and match a range of workflows to set up seamless marketing!

Rhio avatar
Written by Rhio
Updated over a week ago

The integration with HubSpot offers a variety of different workflows – which you can mix and match to support your own use cases and requirements.

Each workflow can be added multiple times if needed – but exercise caution if doing this: you could end up with conflicting data in your HubSpot account.

Here are the HubSpot workflows you can choose from:

Sync buyer contacts and add marketing opt-ins to a single mailing list

Any time an order is created through Ticket Tailor, this integration will add the buyer details as a contact in HubSpot. If the buyer opts to join a mailing list, then the contact will also be added to an "All Ticket Tailor event buyers" list in HubSpot (you can rename this list during setup if you prefer).

All your marketing opt-ins will be subscribed to a single mailing list together.

  • 👍 Good for box offices with one annual/seasonal event, or a few events which are closely related and relevant to the same audience.

  • 🫤 Not so good for box offices with different events and different audiences, better suited to segmented communications.

Sync buyer contacts and add marketing opt-ins to a mailing list per event

Any time an order is created through Ticket Tailor, this integration will add the buyer details as a contact in HubSpot. If the buyer opts to join a mailing list, then a contact list with the event name will be auto-generated, and that contact will then be added to the list.

Your marketing opt-ins will be subscribed to a mailing list for each unique event series. If you use recurring events in Ticket Tailor, then all occurrences for the same event series will sync to a single mailing list in HubSpot.

  • 👍 Good for box offices with a range of varied events with different audiences who need distinct mailing lists.

  • 🫤 Not so good for box offices with a small number of events and a single mailing list.

Sync buyer contacts and record marketing event registration

Any time an order is created through Ticket Tailor, this integration will add the buyer details as a contact in HubSpot.

If there's already a corresponding marketing event in HubSpot, then this contact will be subscribed to it; if not, then a new marketing event will be created (using the event name, dates, and times set in Ticket Tailor) and the contact subscribed to that.

  • Your buyer contacts will be registered for the marketing event in HubSpot.

    • This workflow will not update registration to attendance when buyers are checked in on Ticket Tailor.

    • If you want marketing event registrations to be updated to mark attendance should also install the 'Update marketing event attendance when existing contacts check in' workflow.

  • 👍 Good for box offices wanting to keep track of their event registrations in a CRM.

  • 🫤 Not so good for box offices with lots of recurring events, since this workflow will create a marketing event for every occurrence.

Sync buyer contacts and record marketing event registration for specific event series

Any time an order is created through Ticket Tailor for an event series you specify, this integration will add the buyer details as a contact in HubSpot.

If there's already a corresponding marketing event in HubSpot, then this contact will be subscribed to it; if not, then a new marketing event will be created (using the event name, dates, and times set in Ticket Tailor) and the contact subscribed to that.

  • Your buyer contacts will be registered for the marketing event in HubSpot.

    • This workflow will not update registration to attendance when buyers are checked in on Ticket Tailor.

    • If you want marketing event registrations to be updated to mark attendance should also install the 'Update marketing event attendance when existing contacts check in' workflow.

  • 👍 Good for box offices with many events, but only wanting to keep track of particular event registrations in a CRM.

  • 🫤 Not so good for box offices with lots of recurring events, since this workflow will create a marketing event for every occurrence.

Supplementary workflows (extend other workflows, if installed):

Sync all Ticket Tailor events to HubSpot

Any time a ticket is issued from Ticket Tailor, this integration will check for a corresponding marketing event in HubSpot. If there is no corresponding marketing event, then one will be created automatically in HubSpot, using the event name, dates, and times set in Ticket Tailor.

This workflow doesn’t synchronise buyer or attendee contact details; it only synchronises events.

  • 👍 Good for box offices wanting to mirror their events in a CRM, but manage attendance manually, or from another system.

  • 🫤 Not so good for box offices with lots of event registrations on Ticket Tailor, since this workflow won’t synchronise those buyers’ details or registrations to HubSpot.

Sync specific Ticket Tailor event series to HubSpot

Any time a ticket is issued from Ticket Tailor for an event series you specify, this integration will check for a corresponding marketing event in HubSpot. If there is no corresponding marketing event, then one will be created automatically in HubSpot, using the event name, dates, and times set in Ticket Tailor.

  • This workflow doesn’t synchronise buyer or attendee contact details; it only synchronises events.

  • You’ll choose an event series when setting up this workflow, and marketing events will only be synchronised if they belong to this event series.

  • 👍 Good for box offices wanting to mirror all occurrences of a specific recurring event in a CRM, but manage attendance manually, or from another system.

  • 🫤 Not so good for box offices with lots of event registrations on Ticket Tailor, since this workflow won’t synchronise those buyers’ details or registrations to HubSpot.

Update marketing event attendance when existing contacts check in

Any time a ticket is updated on Ticket Tailor and checked in, this integration will check for an existing matching contact in HubSpot.

If a matching contact exists, this integration will check for a corresponding 'marketing event' in HubSpot to subscribe the contact as attending.

If there's already a corresponding marketing event in HubSpot, then this contact will be subscribed to it; if not, then a new marketing event will be created (using the event name, dates, and times set in Ticket Tailor) and the contact subscribed to that.

  • Your buyer contacts will be marked as attending the marketing event in HubSpot.

  • 👍 Good for box offices wanting to record buyers actually attending their marketing events.

  • 🫤 Not so good for box offices wanting to record buyer registrations for marketing events, even if they don’t attend.

Update marketing event attendance when existing contacts check in for specific event series

Any time a ticket is updated on Ticket Tailor and checked in (for an event series you specify), this integration will check for an existing matching contact in HubSpot.

If a matching contact exists, this integration will check for a corresponding 'marketing event' in HubSpot to subscribe the contact as attending.

If there's already a corresponding marketing event in HubSpot, then this contact will be subscribed to it; if not, then a new marketing event will be created (using the event name, dates, and times set in Ticket Tailor) and the contact subscribed to that.

  • Event attendance is only recorded if a check-in is created on Ticket Tailor (eg. via the Check-in app).

  • You’ll choose an event series when setting up this workflow, and buyer check-ins will only be synchronised if they belong to this event series.

  • Your buyer contacts will be marked as attending the marketing event in HubSpot.

  • 👍 Good for box offices wanting to record buyers actually attending a specific marketing event.

  • 🫤 Not so good for box offices wanting to record registrations or attendance for all their marketing events.

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