Once you've linked your Stripe Terminal to your Ticket Tailor account, you're ready to boost your revenue by selling loads of tickets in person. This help article will show you how to add those orders and sell your tickets.
How to accept payment using Stripe Terminal
Head to your 'Orders' page and click 'Add new order' to add a manual order for your customer.
Choose the event you’d like to create a new order for, and enter the quantity and ticket types you’d like to add.
Complete the checkout form on behalf of your attendees. You can fill out as many or as few of the checkout form fields as you need to, or click 'Skip to payment' if you don't need any ticket buyer details.
You should see a list of payment options. To use Stripe Terminal, select your terminal from the dropdown and click 'Choose'.
Wait for the terminal to connect, and click the 'Take payment' button in your dashboard.
Your customer can now pay with their card.
💡 Things to note
If you need tickets to be emailed to your customer, don't forget to add their email to the checkout form.