To take payments from your attendees, you’ll need to be set up with a payment processor.
Ticket Tailor allows you to use either PayPal, Stripe or Square, and all platforms allow buyers to pay with credit and debit cards. In PayPal’s case, the buyer can also use their existing PayPal balance.
How to connect PayPal to your account
From the 'Settings' section of your dashboard, choose 'Payment systems' from the side menu.
Select the button marked 'More options including Paypal, Square and offline payments'.
Click the button marked 'Connect a PayPal account'.
You'll be taken to a PayPal page to connect your account, and you'll be prompted to log in or create a PayPal account using your email address.
Select if you're using PayPal for personal or business use.
Click 'Agree and Connect' to connect your account, and you'll be directed back to Ticket Tailor.
Choose whether you want to use PayPal for all new events, and/or existing ones.
Once you've made your selection and hit 'Save', you're ready to get paid for your ticket sales directly into your PayPal account.