If you want to take payment by bank transfer, cheque, or any other means that isn't an online payment to your Stripe, PayPal or Square account, you'll need to set up offline payments.
How to set up offline payments
Go to 'Box office settings' and click on 'Payment systems'.
If this is the first time you've set up offline payments, select the button which says 'More options including PayPal, Square and offline payments'.
In the 'Offline payments' section, click 'Create new offline payment profile'.
Fill out the details for your offline payment, using the tooltips for further guidance. The most important part is the payment instructions β these explain to ticket buyers how they should pay.
If you want to restrict the amount collected via offline payments, or set a time before your event when it's unavailable (for example to give you enough time to process the payments), use the option to 'Set additional conditions for when this payment method is available'.
βClick 'Save'.
How offline payment methods look for customers
If a buyer chooses the offline payment method, they'll be shown the payment instructions you set and be asked to confirm that they'll follow them.
The example below shows what it might look like for the Offline payment method 'Pay by bank transfer'.
If your buyer chooses to pay via an offline payment method, then:
Their order will complete.
Their tickets will be issued.
They will see the payment instructions on the order confirmation on screen, in their email, and their invoice (if you have them set up).
You'll need to manually check on the status of the payment.
Managing orders with offline payments from your 'Orders' page
How to review orders with offline payments
When a customer uses an offline payment, the order will show in your dashboard as pending.
You can view pending orders by heading to 'Orders' and using the 'Order status' filter to only show pending orders.
How to mark an offline payment as received
Once you have received your payment, click through to the order and click 'Confirm payment received'.
You can optionally add a Transaction ID for your internal reference. Enter a Transaction ID if you wish and click 'Confirm'.
The payment has now been confirmed in Ticket Tailor.
π‘ Things to note
At your event, if a payment is pending, it will show on the doorlist or on the check-in app, so that you know they are still due to pay.