After an event, you might want to find out how much your Stripe fees were. Stripe provides this information in an export.
How to find this information in Stripe
Download your payment report from Stripe.
There will be a column showing your fees.
If you bought Pre-pay credits, these fees will be your total Stripe fees.
Additional steps if you're on a PAYG plan
Steps to take in Ticket Tailor
Export your 'Chargeable usage' report from 'Settings' > 'Billing'.
Steps to take in your spreadsheet
Filter the 'Charge' column for any fees charged at POS (this means your Ticket Tailor fees were deducted from your Stripe payout).
Find the total fee value for all PAYG fees charged at POS.
Subtract the total Ticket Tailor PAYG fees from the total Stripe fees to see your Stripe fees.