When you cancel and refund an order, you have the option to send the refund to your customer as a voucher that they can spend on replacement tickets.
To view or export all of your issued refund voucher codes:
Head to 'Promote', then 'Voucher codes'.
Select the tab called 'Refund voucher codes'.
You will see a list of all of your issued vouchers, as well as their expiry date and use date.
π‘ Use the 'Export' button to download a CSV of all of your voucher codes. This can be used to generate your own reports, for example a report of all unspent voucher codes.
To see a list of orders made using 'refund to voucher' codes:
Export your order report (either your Order report or Line item report)
Filter to show orders where:
There is nothing in the 'Discount code' or 'Voucher code' column
The amount in the 'Order value' column is higher than the amount in the 'Total paid' column.