It may be useful to hide ticket types when you have some that you don't want to sell online β for example, those that'll be sold at the box office, or when you want to hide or reveal tickets after a certain time.
You can use the following advanced settings to stop tickets from being visible on your checkout:
Using the Ticket type 'Status' to hide tickets
Head to 'Edit event and tickets' and scroll down to the 'Create ticket types' section.
Select a ticket type.
Click 'Show advanced settings'.
Under 'Status', look for one of the following:
Access code required
Display as sold out
Display as unavailable
Only visible to admin (read more)
All statuses except for 'On sale' will hide your tickets from your event page or your widget.
Using date settings to hide tickets
Using date settings to hide tickets for an individual ticket type
To edit the date settings for an individual ticket type, head to 'Edit event and tickets' and scroll down to the 'Create ticket types' section.
Select a ticket type.
Click 'Advanced settings'.
Make sure the boxes 'Hide until/after a set date and time' and 'Hide when sold out' are ticked or unticked depending on your preference.