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How to take deposits

Ticket Tailor events can be created to break a payment down into multiple payments, for example, to take a deposit.

Rhio avatar
Written by Rhio
Updated over a week ago

Easy products to split up payments for your ticket buyers:

The easiest way to offer different payment plans for your ticket buyers is to use a payment plan product with Stripe or PayPal. This offers the quickest setup for you and helpful options for your ticket buyers. Full instructions on these options are linked below:


Setup multiple events to create your own payment plan:

To see an example of how you might take a deposit using Ticket Tailor, check out our demo event.

For the ticket buyer, the finished event and ticket purchase would look something like this:

To create an event with split payments:

Create and style your event page. (For more detail on creating an event, please check out our getting started guide).

💡 It’s a nice idea to add links to the full payment event from the deposit event, and vice versa.

💡 It’s a nice idea to customise your buy ticket button to read something like ‘pay first instalment’.

From the ‘events’ page, use the three-dot menu to make copies of your event.

💡 You will want to make as many copies for your event as you want payment instalments. For example, if I want to offer full payment or a split payment, I will set one event up as Ticket Tailor poetry festival - full payment and day tickets event, one as the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - weekend instalment payment event, and one as the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - Final instalments event.

💡 For the payment instalments, ensure you price the tickets according to the price you want the buyer to pay. For example, if your event is £100, and you want ticket buyers to pay a deposit of £25, the ticket on the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - full payment and day tickets event will be £100, the ticket on the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - weekend instalment payment event will be £25, and on the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - Final instalment event the ticket price will be £75.

Hide the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - Final instalment event from your box office, by expanding the advanced event settings and checking the ‘Hide this event from your box office listings and search engines’ check-box.

For the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - weekend instalment payment, customise the event specific order confirmation to remove the ticket voucher or online event link, so that your ticket buyers don’t get a ticket without paying.

Secondly, replace the ticket voucher or online event link in the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - weekend instalment payment order confirmation with a link to the Ticket Tailor poetry festival - Final instalment event.

💡 It can be useful to schedule a Broadcast linking to the second instalment event reminding ticket buyers about their due payment.

If you want to check-in these tickets alongside tickets for another event, import your final deposit tickets to your main event to see your whole guest list in one place.

💡 We recommend closing deposit sales and importing the tickets a few days before your event so that you have time to import the tickets and set up your Check-in app.

💡 A note on fees:

  • Regular fees will be charged when following the above split payment method. (1 x charge for the initial deposit, 1 x charge for the 2nd payment, and 1 x charge for an imported ticket). You should consider this when setting your booking fees.

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