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How to send announcements to your ticket buyers using Email broadcasts
How to send announcements to your ticket buyers using Email broadcasts

Learn how you can send automated emails to all tickets buyers, just people who purchased a certain ticket type or those on your waitlist.

Jonny White avatar
Written by Jonny White
Updated over a week ago

As your event approaches you may need to send out important information to your ticket buyers. Our Email broadcasts tool allows you to do exactly that.

A Gif showing a broadcast being created for all ticket buyers, for a dog walkers conference. Instructions about how to send a broadcast follow further down in the article.

Please note that Email broadcasts must not be used for marketing emails, and only for important updates about the event the ticket buyers have bought tickets for.

To access Email broadcasts, open any of your events, and select 'Email broadcasts' from the left-hand navigation.

๐Ÿ’ก Email broadcasts are free to send but in order to prevent spam, you will be asked to add your payment details at this step if theyโ€™ve not yet been added.

Fill in the 'Subject' and 'Message' with the content you would like to send to your ticket buyers, holders of a specific ticket type, or waitlist sign-ups โ€“ use the 'Recipients' drop-downย to choose your audience.

Please note that if you are using our recurring events feature, you will need to select the desired date or time slot for your message.

A screenshot showing a dropdown to select which occurrence to email when creating a broadcast.

You can format the message to look however you want using the tools provided, and you can add placeholders to personalise the message.

For example, if you wanted a personalised greeting such as Hi Sarah Brown, click the 'Insert placeholder' button and click 'Ticket buyer name'. This will add a placeholder to the message that will be replaced by the ticket buyers name.ย 

Another example of where personalisation is useful is if you want to resend the ticket vouchers or online event link to all of your ticket buyers for convenience. To add them to the message, click on the 'Insert placeholder' button and select 'Ticket vouchers'.

A screenshot of the broadcast form, with an orange arrow pointing at the 'Placeholder' button, to add emphasis.

Next you probably want to check that it looks good in the inbox. Read and tick to agree to the terms, and then send a test by entering your email address in the 'Send test email' section and clicking on the 'Send test email' button. It should only take a moment to arrive in your inbox, so check how it looks and make any necessary changes.

If you are not ready to send yet, click 'Save draft' and you can come back and send it later.

When you are ready to send click the 'Send Broadcast' button. You'll get a quick preview to check it over one final time. Click the 'Send to X recipients' button.

A screenshot of an example broadcast with directions to an event

Finally, you can select when you want your email to be sent, the options are:

  • Immediately โ€“ send your message instantly to your chosen audience

    • Please note: If you are using recurring events, you can only 'immediately' send an Email broadcast to individual occurrences.

  • At a scheduled date and time โ€“ choose a specified time to send your message

  • At a scheduled interval before the event starts โ€“ choose to send your message a certain number of hours/days before your event

  • At a scheduled interval after the event ends โ€“ choose to send your message a certain number of hours/days after your event

A screenshot of the time options

That's it. Your Email broadcast is now queued for sending and the system will take care of the rest. For immediate messages, it will usually go out within ten minutes but for large events, it may take up to an hour.

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